04 April 2013.
Many countries, where the climate is quite hot, have the so-called siesta, that is, breaks from work in the middle of the day.. Someone at this time goes to the beach, others sit in the shade, sipping refreshments, and still others like to take a nap. It was for the latter that the office table-bed was invented..
Designer Afanasia Leivadito has created a special office shallow, behind which you can not only work, but also sleep. All lovers of daytime sleep will definitely like such furniture. The principle of operation of the structure actually lies on the surface, so if in our country they were allowed to take a nap at work, then this invention would be the first to be created in Russia. But the need arose in Greece.
So, this is an ordinary table, except that when you lower one of the backs from it, it becomes a sleeping place. Includes mattress, pillow and blanket.
Who’s for a siesta in Russia?