A smooth, well-groomed lawn is beautiful in itself. But you must admit that solid green is a little boring.. Let’s «dilute» it with original details.
Mysterious circles left on the grass at night … You can play the alien visit by varying the mowing height of the lawn. The trimmer is your first helper!
Living stones
«Stone Rose», or rejuvenated, is a traditional inhabitant of the Alpine hills. Try planting it right on the lawn: unusual blotches will add charm.
Patterns on the grass
You can decorate the lawn not only with flowers, but also with original ornaments. Try to «paint» the lawn by carefully removing some of the turf from it in the form of the intended pattern. Sprinkle part of the resulting pattern with sifted soil and sprinkle some with colored mullet or fine colored gravel. A composition contrasting in color will look ideal..
complex supply of construction projects