Lighting poles may differ from each other in their appearance, use and manufacturing method.. Some of them can be installed in park areas, others — on pedestrian paths and near highways.
The production of lighting poles involves the creation of three types of metal poles. Consider them:
Faceted, which create a polyhedron in cross-section. They are usually used in landscape design..
Tubular, which are pipes of this or that diameter and thickness. They are usually produced in separate parts that are assembled on site..
Round conical. Due to the telescopic type of connection, they are characterized by the highest reliability.
Any metal support produced by the Gigalight company can, at the request of the customer, be supplemented with some decorative elements: notching, forging or some other means. On such a support, not only a lighting device can be installed, but also a street clock..
As for the materials from which such supports are made, then steel and cast iron are usually used, very rarely — any other metals.